The Production Has Begun!

The Production Has Begun!

The Production Has Begun!

Hey there, fellow adventurers! Brace yourselves for an epic journey into a realm of magic and wonder as we gear up to launch our thrilling card game, "Spheres of Life: The Mythical Forest"!

UPDATE: The production of the Spheres of Life: Mythical Forest is almost completed! See a quick overview of the box assembly process here.

We can barely contain our excitement as we bring you a game that will whisk you away to an enchanting forest filled with mythical creatures and powerful heroes, and exciting abilities.

Get ready to strategize, think on your feet, and have a blast like never before! Let's dive into some exciting tidbits about the production process and how you can secure your copy today!

Production of Spheres of Life - Insert

Countdown to Launch:

We know you've been eagerly waiting, and we're super stoked to announce that "Spheres of Life: The Mythical Forest" is set to launch by the end of this June.

Can you believe it? The finish line is in sight, my friends! Prepare yourselves for an epic adventure through lush forests, mythical beings, and mind-bending gameplay.

Mark your calendars, set those alarms, and get ready to lose yourselves in a world where anything is possible! 

Unveiling the Production:

Hold onto your hats, folks! We're about to pull back the curtain and give you an exclusive backstage pass to the making of "Spheres of Life: The Mythical Forest".

In the coming days, we'll be visiting the production factory where we will make some short, but interesting videos about how the games are produced! Videos that reveal all the love and care poured into crafting this extraordinary game.

You'll get a front-row seat to the stunning illustrations, intricate card designs, and all the delightful details that make "Spheres of Life: The Mythical Forest" an absolute feast for the eyes!

spheres of life mythical forest - exciting card game, printing process

Preorder Discounts and Bonus:

Now, here's some exciting news that'll make your day even brighter. You can still snag a copy of "Spheres of Life: The Mythical Forest" with a mind-blowing 20% off if you hop on the preorder train right now!

Preorder Here

That's right, my friends, a sweet discount just for being part of our awesome community.

But hey, heads up! Once the production wraps up, the preorder bonus will vanish like a sneaky forest critter. So, act fast and secure your copy pronto to ensure you don't miss out on this special treat! 

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